B.Tech - students
(Click here for Materials)
Design is a realization of a concept or idea into a configuration, drawing or a product. Design Thinking is cognitive and practical processes by which design concepts are developed by designers. Innovation is a new idea or a new concept. Product development is the creation of a new or different product that offers new benefits to the end user. This course introduces the design thinking in product innovation.
Course Objectives:
- To familiarize product design process
- To introduce the basics of design thinking
- To bring awareness on idea generation
- To familiarize the role of design thinking
in services design
Course outcomes:
After completing this course, the student will
be able to
- Innovate new methods in product development.
- Apply design thinking in developing the new
- Select ideas from ideation methods in new
product development.
- Use design thinking in developing software
- Apply principles of design thinking in service design.
Unit 1
Introduction to design, characteristics of
successful product development, product development process, identification of
opportunities, product planning, Innovation in product development.
Learning outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be
able to
- identify characteristics of successful
product development.
- Identify opportunities for new product
- plan for new product development
Unit 2
Design Thinking: Introduction, Principles, the
process, Innovation in Design Thinking, benefits of Design thinking, design
thinking and innovation, case studies.
Learning outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be
able to
- Explain the principles of Design Thinking.
- Identify the benefits of Design Thinking.
- use innovations in Design Thinking
Unit 3
Idea generation: Introduction, techniques,
Conventional methods, Intuitive methods, Brainstorming, Gallery method, Delphi
method, Synectics etc, Select ideas from ideation methods, case studies.
Learning outcomes:
After completing this unit, The student will be
able to
- Explain
the techniques in idea generation.
- Select ideas from ideation methods.
- Identify the methods used in idea
generation in some case studies
Unit 4
Design Thinking in Information Technology,
Design Thinking in Business process model, Design Thinking for agile software
development, virtual collaboration, multi user and multi account interaction,
need for communication, TILES toolkit, Cloud implementation.
Learning outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be
able to
- Use design thinking in business process
- Apply design thinking for Agile software
- use TILES toolkit
Unit 5
Design thinking for service design: How to
design a service, Principles of service design, Benefits of service design,
Service blueprint, Design strategy, organization, principles for information design,
principles of technology for service design.
Learning outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be
able to
- Use principles of service design.
- Explain the benefits of service design.
- Apply principles of technology for service
1. Pahl, Beitz, Feldhusen, Grote – Engineering
Design: a systematic approach, Springer, 2007
2. Christoph Meinel and Larry Leifer, Design
Thinking, Springer, 2011
3. Aders Riise Maehlum - Extending the TILES
Toolkit – from Ideation to Prototyping
4. http://www.algarytm.com/it-executives-guide-to-design-thinking:e-book.
5. Marc stickdorn and Jacob Schneider, This is
Service Design Thinking, Wiely, 2011