Sunday, 24 February 2019

Interactive Web Application Development

Unit-I: Introduction to Scripting Languages                                                                   
Scripting Languages and WWW, Types of Scripting Languages – server-side scripting and client-side scripting, Glue Language, Characteristics of Scripting Languages, Shell Script 

Unit-II: PHP                                                                                                              
PHP, Perl, Python, R, Ruby, JavaScript, Smalltalk, VBScript, etc, Front-end and back-end web development, Advantages and Disadvantages of Scripting Languages.

Unit-III: Introduction to JavaScript  
Data types, variables, operators, expressions, statements, functions, objects, arrays, date, math, error handling, flow control, loops

Unit-IV: JavaScript Object Model                           
Regular expression, JavaScript object model, Standard Document Object Model - creating nodes

Unit-V: Namespace
Namespace, DOM and HTML, DOM and CSS, Event handling, Event types

Unit-VI: Windows, Frames and Overlay in JavaScript                                                 
Window object, dialogs, Controlling windows, form handling, form fields, form validation. UI elements, browser management, media management

Unit-VII: AJAX    
Introduction to AJAX: XML HTTP, AJAX request and response, Events, Database; 

Unit-VIII: JSON           
Introduction to JSON: Syntax, Http, Files; Sessions, templates, relational databases, Object Relational Mapping.

Reference Books:
1.      The World of Scripting Languages, by David Barron, Wiley India Pvt Ltd.
2.      JavaScript: The Complete Reference, 2013 by Thomas Powell, Fritz Schneider
3.      Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation: A To The Point Guide to JSON, by Linsay Bassett, O‟Reilly
4.      Ajax Black Book, Dream tech Press
5.      Scripting Languages: Perl, Python, Mumps, JavaScript, Php, Ruby, VBscript, Awk, Command. Com, Sed, Bash, Autolisp, Tcl, Shell Script, Quakec, Books, LLC.

List of Programs:
1. Create interactive web pages using JavaScript
2. Generate different dialog boxes in JavaScript
3. Perform client side form validations using JavaScript
4. Create a XML HTTP request and retrieve data from a text file and an XML file
5. Retrieve header information of a file
6. Demonstrate how a web page can retrieve data from a database with AJAX.