Friday, 22 November 2019

 Data Mining


Monday, 9 September 2019

Problem Solving through Programming 

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(PPT, Example programs)


Generation and Classification of Computers- Basic Organization of a Computer –Number System Binary Decimal Conversion Problems. Need for logical analysis and thinking
Algorithm Pseudo code Flow Chart

Module   C PROGRAMMING BASICS                                                                               Problem formulation Problem Solving - Introduction to C programming fundamentals – structure of a C program – compilation and linking processes Constants, Variables Data Types Expressions using operators in C Managing Input and Output operations – Decision  Making  and  Branching   Looping  statements   solving  simple  scientific  and statistical problems.

Arrays Initialization Declaration One dimensional and Two dimensional arrays. String- String operations String Arrays. Simple programs- sorting- searching matrix operations.

Function definition of function Declaration of function Pass by value Pass by reference Recursion Pointers - Definition Initialization Pointers arithmetic Pointers and arrays- Example Problems.

Introduction Need for structure data type structure definition Structure declaration Structure within a structure - Union - Programs using structures and Unions Storage classes, Pre-processor directives.

1 Pradip Dey, Manas Ghosh, “Fundamentals of Computing and Programming in C, First
Edition, Oxford University Press, 2009
2 Ashok N. Kamthane, Computer programming, Pearson Education, 2007.
3 Yashavant P. Kanetkar. Let Us C, BPB Publications, 2011.

1 Kernighan,B.W  and  Ritchie,D.M,  The  C  Programming  language,  Second  Edition,
Pearson Education, 2006
2 Byron  S  Gottfried,  Programming  with  C,  Schaums  Outlines,  Second  Edition,  Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2006.
3 R.G. Dromey, How to Solve it by Computer”, Pearson Education, Fourth Reprint, 2007

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Web Technology

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(PPT, Example programs)


Unit 1 – Introduction 
Creating home pages, Introduction to XHTML- Editing XHTML, First XHTML Example, W3C XHTML Validation Service, Headers, Linking, Images, Special Characters and More Line Breaks, Unordered Lists, Nested and Ordered Lists, Internet and World Wide Web Resources.

Unit 2 - Dynamic HTML 
Object Model and Collections- Introduction, Object Referencing, Collections all and children, Dynamic Styles, Dynamic Positioning, Using the frames Collection, navigator Object, Summary of the DHTML Object Model, Dynamic HTML: Event Model- Introduction- Event onclick, Event onload, Error Handling with onerror, Tracking the Mouse with Event onmousemove, Rollovers with onmouseover and onmouseout, Form Processing with onfocus and onblur, More Form Processing with onsubmit and onreset, Event Bubbling, More DHTML Events. Dynamic HTML Filters and transitions, Dynamic HTML Data binding with tabular data control, Structured graphics and active X control.

Unit 3 - JavaScript-1
Functions- Introduction, Program Modules in JavaScript, Programmer-Defined Functions, Function Definitions, Random-Number Generation, Example: Game of Chance, Duration of Identifiers, Scope
Unit 4 - JavaScript-2 
JavaScript Global Functions, Recursion, Example Using Recursion: Fibonacci Series, Recursion vs. Iteration, JavaScript Internet and World Wide Web Resources. JavaScript arrays, JavaScript objects.
Unit 5 - Extensible Markup Language (XML)-1 
Introduction, Structuring Data, XML Namespaces, Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and Schemas, Document Type Definitions, W3C XML Schema Documents, XML Vocabularies, Chemical Markup Language (CML), Other Markup Languages.

Unit 6 - Extensible Markup Language (XML)-2 
Document Object Model (DOM), DOM Methods, Simple API for XML (SAX), Extensible Style sheet Language (XSL), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Internet and World Wide Web Resources

Unit 7 - Web Servers (IIS, PWS and Apache
Introduction, HTTP Request Types, System Architecture, Client-Side Scripting versus Server-Side Scripting, Accessing Web Servers, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft Personal Web.

Unit 8 
Multimedia, PHP, String Processing and Regular Expressions, Form processing and Business logic, Dynamic content, Database connectivity, Applets and Servlets, JDBC connectivity, JSP and Web development Frameworks.

Text Book:

1. Deitel, Deitel and Nieto, Internet and Worldwide Web - How to Program, 5th Edition, PHI, 2011.
2. Bai and Ekedhi, The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming, 3rd Edition, Thomson, 2008. 

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Interactive Web Application Development

Unit-I: Introduction to Scripting Languages                                                                   
Scripting Languages and WWW, Types of Scripting Languages – server-side scripting and client-side scripting, Glue Language, Characteristics of Scripting Languages, Shell Script 

Unit-II: PHP                                                                                                              
PHP, Perl, Python, R, Ruby, JavaScript, Smalltalk, VBScript, etc, Front-end and back-end web development, Advantages and Disadvantages of Scripting Languages.

Unit-III: Introduction to JavaScript  
Data types, variables, operators, expressions, statements, functions, objects, arrays, date, math, error handling, flow control, loops

Unit-IV: JavaScript Object Model                           
Regular expression, JavaScript object model, Standard Document Object Model - creating nodes

Unit-V: Namespace
Namespace, DOM and HTML, DOM and CSS, Event handling, Event types

Unit-VI: Windows, Frames and Overlay in JavaScript                                                 
Window object, dialogs, Controlling windows, form handling, form fields, form validation. UI elements, browser management, media management

Unit-VII: AJAX    
Introduction to AJAX: XML HTTP, AJAX request and response, Events, Database; 

Unit-VIII: JSON           
Introduction to JSON: Syntax, Http, Files; Sessions, templates, relational databases, Object Relational Mapping.

Reference Books:
1.      The World of Scripting Languages, by David Barron, Wiley India Pvt Ltd.
2.      JavaScript: The Complete Reference, 2013 by Thomas Powell, Fritz Schneider
3.      Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation: A To The Point Guide to JSON, by Linsay Bassett, O‟Reilly
4.      Ajax Black Book, Dream tech Press
5.      Scripting Languages: Perl, Python, Mumps, JavaScript, Php, Ruby, VBscript, Awk, Command. Com, Sed, Bash, Autolisp, Tcl, Shell Script, Quakec, Books, LLC.

List of Programs:
1. Create interactive web pages using JavaScript
2. Generate different dialog boxes in JavaScript
3. Perform client side form validations using JavaScript
4. Create a XML HTTP request and retrieve data from a text file and an XML file
5. Retrieve header information of a file
6. Demonstrate how a web page can retrieve data from a database with AJAX.